Hi, I’m Jennifer Joy Butler!

Over the last number of years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients all over the world helping them to increase their performance so they can create long-term success. There’s a lot of misinformation about what it actually means to be a high performer and this lack of awareness is preventing many people from living the joyful, confident, and fully engaged life that’s possible for them.

I’m deeply passionate about this work because I was my first client. Since making the shift from being high achieving to high performing, I’ve noticed a multitude of positive changes throughout my entire life. I get to live a life I’m deeply excited to live and love that I get to help others do the same.

When I see clients make the shift into high performance, I’m always so thrilled to hear them report how their entire lives have changed. Listening to them tell me that they’re a completely different person makes me want to jump for joy!

As I watched clients transform their lives, I knew I had to also find a way to bring high performance to teens and their parents. As the mom of a teenage son, I’m deeply passionate about this work. When I became a parent, I vowed to advocate for my son in a way that fostered connection. So, I dove right in and got to work. I’ve taken my mastery of conscious parenting, relationships, and high performance to create a system that sets both teenager and parent up to win. I truly believe everything is learnable and with knowledge and skills comes success.

It is for these reasons that I specialize in working with:

Adult professionals

Males in their teens and their parents

When I see my clients feeling more confident and joyful, and re-engaging in their lives, I’m always so thrilled to hear them report how everything has changed. Listening to their success makes me so happy!

In addition to passion and personal experience, I also have extensive education and training in the field, including a Masters in Clinical Social Work from New York University.

How can you increase performance throughout your life? It’s a lot simpler than you might think.


"One of the best coaches out there."

"Someone who actually gets me."


There are many misconceptions about coaching, one of which is that it's just another form of therapy. Coaching is its own unique modality designed to help a person achieve success and fulfillment in their lives. The most simple way to explain the distinction is that therapy is designed to focus on introspection, analysis, and healing the past. Coaching on the other hand is a forward-focused and actionable process designed to help a person take control of their life and reach short and long-term goals.

High Performance coaching is a proven holistic system that's science-backed and highly researched. A person is able to change their life at the highest levels through self-discovery, improved problem-solving and decision-making, and performance improvement. The outcome is a feeling of full engagement, joy, and confidence that comes from consistently living as your best self. I've adapted this system and combined it with other powerful methodologies to specifically serve teens and their parents.

As a highly trained high performance and mindset coach and mentor, I'm trained to assist with a variety of different problems and situations. Some of these include, but are not limited to: stress/overwhelm, emotional intelligence, positive relationships. effective communication, time management, resiliency, motivation, and more.

The program I offer is a combination of working with both the teen and at least one parent consistently over a 6 month period. When both are committed to the process of learning and growth, success is inevitable.

Sessions are conducted via zoom audio. and therefore I'm able to assist families around the world. After careful consideration, this has proven to be the most effective coaching experience for all parties.